Preparing For Spring Storms

As we welcome spring and the wonderful things it brings we also need to remember to prepare for spring weather. Here are a few tips to get you ready: 1. Clean gutters and downspouts 2. Check your roof and the exterior of your home for any damage 3. Sign up for weather alerts on your phone 4. Review your storm safety plan 5. Repair any leaks 6. Check your go bags and emergency kits to replace/replenish 7. Plan your evacuation routes 8. Check surrounding trees and trim as needed 9.…

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Prepper Acronyms

If you’ve spent any time in a prepper chat forum or reading prepper blogs then you’ve come across these acronyms. Most seasoned preppers already know these but I wanted to put this out there for those of you who may be new to prepping. There’s nothing more frustrating than not being able to understand what someone is talking about. So take the time to browse through this list and get familiar with them. This isn’t an all inclusive list because there’s so many out there but these are the most…

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Prepper Pantry: Spices

Spices for your Prepper Pantry Having spices in your prepper pantry is important. It’s important because it will allow you to add variety to your meals. You can start with the same basic ingredients but if you change the spices, then it can taste like something completely different. And because spices take up very little space you can greatly expand your meal options without sacrificing too much room in your pantry. Food will play a huge role in our survival if we ever find ourselves in that situation. And not…

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Prepper Tips: Your Get Home Route for SHTF

How are you getting home if SHTF happens while you are out? Have you planned your route? The route that you drive may not be the fastest, easiest or safest way home if you are on foot. Take some time this week to figure this out for the three places you visit the most often, if you don’t already know. And then the next time you go to one of those places make sure to drive home taking your new route so you can see it in person. There may…

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