Cattails, also known as bulrushes, are a type of wetland plant that can be found in marshes, swamps, and along the edges of ponds and lakes. They are a very versatile plant and can be used for a variety of things including shelter, food and fuel. The fluff acts as a good insulation material as well. But most importantly they are actually a delicious and nutritious wild food that can be eaten in a variety of ways. One of the most well-known parts of the cattail plant that is edible…
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Winter Wild Edibles (Part 2)
Yes there are options for wild edibles even in winter! 8. Maple Sap February is usually the best month to tap trees for their sap. Then boil it down for some delicious maple syrup. 9. Mullein The leaves can be brewed into a tea. 10. Chicory The leaves can be eaten raw or cooked but has a bitter taste. The roots can be roasted and steeped for a coffee tasting drink. Although it will be decaf! 11. Hickory Nuts These nuts are very calorie dense and taste similar to pecans.…
Read MoreWinter Wild Edibles (Part 1)
Yes there are options for wild edibles even in winter! 1. Cattails Although the cattail has many edible parts, in the winter, the best part to eat is the starchy roots. You can use it to thicken soups/stews or grind into flour. 2. Persimmons These fruits taste best in late fall through January when they are wrinkled and squishy. You can eat them raw, make them into jam or ferment them into a wonderful wine. 3. Rose Hips The skin and pulp can be eaten raw or you can use…
Read MorePrepper Tip: Test Your Gear
Sometimes we end up with gear, tools, food or other things that we bought but never tested out. It got thrown in the back of the pantry or into the bottom of your bug out bag with the intention of trying it out “soon.” And then you forgot about it. You don’t want to find yourself in a stressful situation and forced to use something for the first time. Maybe it will be fine, maybe it’ll lead to a knock-down, drag-out screaming bloody hell temper tantrum because a small gear…
Read MoreEating Bugs In SHTF
If you were in a real survival situation would you eat bugs? Heck yeah I would, I’m gonna fight to survive no matter what. And insects are a good source of protein, fat, vitamins and minerals. We all prepare so that we don’t have to do things like this, but as preppers your backup plan needs a backup plan. If you ever find yourself in a survival situation and you are separated from your preps then knowing how to get multiple food sources is the best plan. Do you know…
Read MoreDandelion Root Coffee
Can you image having to go through TEOTWAWKI without coffee? Me neither. Life would already suck but having to deal with it without your morning brew is just …. well there’s not words for it. For those of us who love coffee, we have a good stock pile of it. But if SHTF happens we have to come to terms with the fact that our supply will eventually run out. And this is why I replace my coffee with Dandelion Root Coffee once or twice a week. It tastes the…
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